Please check below for our most frequently asked questions. If you still have an inquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.
How many lessons do I need?
  • There is no one straight answer to this question. How many lessons you’ll need will be dependent on your driving skills and experience. After your first lesson, your driving instructor should tell be able to tell you approximately how many lessons is recommended for you to be able to move on to the next step.
I don't have transport, can I still have driving lessons?​

Yes, you can. Pick-up and drop-off is available for students all over Auckland – petrol is covered.

What do I need to have driving lessons?

You will need to have a New Zealand Learners, Restricted Licence, Full or an Overseas Licence. An NZTA temporary licence will also be acceptable, with an additional photo ID. The licence must be valid.

I don't have a learners' licence yet, can I still have driving lessons?

See the above question. You are not legally allowed to drive on New Zealand roads without a valid licence

Can I use my own car if I have a Learners, Restricted, Full licence or Overseas Conversion Licence with the condition?

Yes, most definitely. You may wish to use your own car if you feel more comfortable in doing so.


How long do lessons normally take?

Typically, lessons are 45 mins, 1 hour or 2 hours.

What do I need to have driving lessons?
  • You will need to have a New Zealand Learners, Restricted Licence, Full or an Overseas Licence. An NZTA temporary licence will also be acceptable, with an additional photo ID. The licence must be valid.
What do I need to have driving lessons?
  • You will need to have a New Zealand Learners, Restricted Licence, Full or an Overseas Licence. An NZTA temporary licence will also be acceptable, with an additional photo ID. The licence must be valid.